From the left according to Austin: Uncle Patrick, Aunt Stacey, GG (Grandma B.), sister Ansley, Uncle Bunny (Brian), Austin, Daddy, Grandma Delma, Grandpa Barry & mommy - lots of folks!
Obviously GG provides a perfect lap for naps! Ansley stayed like this for most of the evening.
An obviously hard life - at one point she had her hands above her head (like the pictures a few days ago).....she is doing great.
We are getting some sleep - she usually wakes up 2 or 3 times a night and we have found a way to all take a nap in the after noon for about 1.5 hours - works out pretty well. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we continue this well.
Yesterday she had her 1 week check up and had made it back to her birth weight plus - she is 6lbs 12oz and 19 1/4 inches, so she is right on track.
Yesterday at school when Eric went to pickup Austin, his teacher commented that he came back from his "break" with an abnormally large vocabulary (we have Granddad & Nanny to thank for this!! My favorite: ready, set, go...)- Eric asked if he had taught the class about his favorite word "screwdriver" and how it sounds....she said no but would explore this on Tuesday when he goes back to school. They are now in "camp" mode and he gets to play in the water twice a day - it will probably be the highlight of his week as the child loves to 1) be outside and 2) play in water.
We now have to start planning for his birthday, big 2 coming up - we will keep ya' posted.
Have a great weekend!