So you finally turned 2! Even though I have been referring to you as our 2 year old for several weeks now! (okay, technically your birthday was Thursday, but I did not get a picture of you then & you went to school that day and your grandma has had you at her house ever since Thursday, but I had to get this up here so I would not forget what I wanted to remember about this big day for you!)
We are so glad you are our son, and so proud of all of the things that you do!
Some of our favorite things you are doing right now:
"People" - you love to be outside with all of the people - including Saxi, Madison, and you just call everyone else "people"
You called yesterday to tell me that grandma bought you "tennis shoes" - you said "grandma, want tennis shoes" - I cannot believe you are making sentences now
The other day you dropped a cup of "agua" and said "mamma, fix it" - thanks for helping with the housework!!!
You love to say "screwdriver" which sounds like screwdryaya and then make the same noise as daddy's electric drill - you carry things all over the house and try to screw things in - you love forks for this activity
You LOVE agua - playing outside in the tub, with the garden hose, you will come in from being outside with daddy covered in water and I will ask you what happened and you say "Austy agua" - you are literally wet from head to toe.
When I ask you what you want to eat, you ALWAYS say "daddy" - which we still don't understand, but we think you mean that you want to eat with daddy as you love to share oatmeal at breakfast and you will eat ANYTHING that daddy is eating, even if it is on your plate and you won't eat it off your own place; if it comes from daddy you will always eat it!!!!
You give the best hugs at dinner, "mamma, hug" "Anly hug" "Daddy hug"
You LOVE dinosaurs, and can say the word as clearly as I do - you seem to love the big words.
Other things of important to you in no particular order: outside, hugs, mmmmmmm (which means you want a kiss goodbye from whomever is leaving), man come, outside, sandbox, chalk, bike, bubbles, animal noises (frog, pig, dog, cat, horse, cow), outside, thanks to grandpa an elephant is a "hunt," "ready, set, go," "mahat, ghani" (only Grandad knows what that means), juice, vacuum, alligator, "no, mama, no," Anly Cowen, outside .... just some of the more popular and daily things you love
No matter how long you have been outside, you could play for 1 hour more, but we are sticklers for your bed time, so even when there are 30 people outside, you still go to bed at 8pm in the big boy bed that you share with bear, dog, frog & of course your trusty Pooh.
We think you have stopped biting, it has been a few weeks, and we are very relieved....please don't "hurt" anybody else......"pease"
Bottom line, we love you and all the things you do ... your our little red headed dude!
Mom & Dad