We got a good report from the Pediatric
Orthopaedic Surgeon, he said he did not see or hear anything that alarmed him, but he is not going to just forget about us.....we will go back at the end of August for another ultrasound and visit with him. There is some concern she may have a very mild case of hip
dysplasia based on her initial exam at birth and some clicking noises we have heard since then....if she does have it she would need to wear a brace for 6 weeks, but no surgery. We will keep y'all updated.
Otherwise we have been hanging out.......

Our hawk has decided to use the kid's play ground set as a roost for watching his prey....I don't like it.....he may have gotten Austin's little
chip monk friends that have been living behind the house

We played soccer with Ansley's soccer ball - although Austin tends to call it a chocolate ball.....you can tell who he is related to!!

Ansley continues to sleep......through the night in fact, she now sleeps consistently for at least a 7 or 8 hours every night..... I LOVE THIS BABY!!!!!!!

but she has had longer periods of being awake....

She and Austin were talking....I love to use the couch corners to prop up the kids, can you tell????
We are really trying to get a picture of her smiling but the camera is too slow or it is too blurry....I will keep trying
Have a great weekend.