Life in ATL had gotten pretty boring....

So....we took off and went to Destin, Florida for the weekend (last weekend) - long time no post huh!!??

This was the first fish Austin caught - actually just an "attraction" at the Bass Pro Shop - Eric must visit any BPS within 100 miles of him whenever possible!!

Seems Austin was good bait!

We of course had to shop for a new boat for Grandad & Nanny - their old one just won't do!!

My attempt at taking a picture of the sunset - I am not the best photographer!!

The boys hanging out feeding the birds!!

This is the ground after their feeding - you can't really tell but there are hundreds of bird foot prints in the sand

Austin found him a stick!!

Austin's reaction to playing in the waves!

"Up daddy up"

So we buried Austin, thinking it was cute, until a friendly puppy came along who has the same fascination with licking as Madison, needless to say he "bathed" Austin!! Turns out the couple was from here in Atlanta too, so we had a nice chat.

They even took a picture of the whole family - Ansley is obviously in the Baby Bjorn - where she stayed for most of the trip

Austin says the future is so bright he has to wear shades - either that or it is the paleness of his mother's legs that has blinded him!!!!

This was the view from our front porch - that is the walkway to cross the dunes, so we didn't stay right on the beach, but we were pretty darn close!

The view from the top of the walkway

Austin contemplating running into the water

Austin & daddy feeding the birds - seems Eric is a huge fan of feeding the birds, so the boys went out and did this about 10 times while we were there for 3 days & 2 nights.
Ah, vacation! As it turns out, in the 9 years Eric & I have been together this is the first true vacation we have ever taken!! We have gone places together but always for a wedding or to see family - this was just us and it was GREAT!! We will have to make a habit of this
Back to the real world - Ansley had two doctors appointments this week - one her 4 month check up:
Weight: 11 lbs 4 oz - 6%
Length: 26? - 37%
Head: 41? - 56%
Since she is a little skinny we are trying to get her to eat a little more often - but it is due in part to her being sick and not that hungry for a few days.
The second appointment was to see the radiologist regarding her urinary tract - seems she has urinary tract reflux on her left side which means once her food goes into her bladder some of it goes back up into her kidneys and her left kidney is underdeveloped. So, we have been referred to a pediatric urologist - best case scenario she grows out of it - worst case scenario she needs surgery in a few years. In the mean time, anytime she gets a fever and is cranky with no other symptoms we have to take her to the pediatrician immediately for a urine culture to see if she has a UTI - keep your fingers crossed that this does not happen too often!! She is too sweet to be sick .....

That is all the news fit to print - have a great weekend!