She and Austin were hanging out today - she seems to like to play in this jumper thing - her feet are suspended mid-air as it is not good for babies her age to rest their weight on their legs yet (so we learned from a friend) so....we are just hanging out - again a weird expression on her face!!
Sleeping as usual - it's been cold here so she is bundled up
I was trying to catch her waiving the "hook 'em" horns sign that she does, but no such luck
Now here is the amazing picture - two things
a) this box is on it's side because it is Austin's computer - the other morning before we took our morning walk he went and got this box, put it up on end and said he needed to check his email!! WHAT!! Oh yes, "Austin let's go for our walk" "just a second I wanna check my email" - I have not laughed so hard in days!!!!!!! Then the rest of the day before we did anything, "wait let me check my email mommy" and in case you are wondering his password every time was 874, 874 he even typed on his pretend keyboard.......I think maybe I spend too much time on the computer checking email!
b) in the background of this picture are two pictures of my mom, who Austin calls Grandmother. They are at the end of the couch where I typically sit when I am feeding Ansley - and the other day he got on the side arm of the couch right by my mom's picture and said "nay, nay I am riding a horsey grandmother" and then "Mommy, grandmother and I are riding horses"
Have a great week!