Sunday, October 26, 2008


I know some of you may take this in the wrong way - but this girl can take some funny pictures - funny in the sense of "oh my gosh that is the worst look ever!!"

She and Austin were hanging out today - she seems to like to play in this jumper thing - her feet are suspended mid-air as it is not good for babies her age to rest their weight on their legs yet (so we learned from a friend) so....we are just hanging out - again a weird expression on her face!!

Sleeping as usual - it's been cold here so she is bundled up

I was trying to catch her waiving the "hook 'em" horns sign that she does, but no such luck

Now here is the amazing picture - two things
a) this box is on it's side because it is Austin's computer - the other morning before we took our morning walk he went and got this box, put it up on end and said he needed to check his email!! WHAT!! Oh yes, "Austin let's go for our walk" "just a second I wanna check my email" - I have not laughed so hard in days!!!!!!! Then the rest of the day before we did anything, "wait let me check my email mommy" and in case you are wondering his password every time was 874, 874 he even typed on his pretend keyboard.......I think maybe I spend too much time on the computer checking email!
b) in the background of this picture are two pictures of my mom, who Austin calls Grandmother. They are at the end of the couch where I typically sit when I am feeding Ansley - and the other day he got on the side arm of the couch right by my mom's picture and said "nay, nay I am riding a horsey grandmother" and then "Mommy, grandmother and I are riding horses"

I am so glad he is able to "spend time" with my mom.......
Have a great week!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Halloween Pics

Here is our first draft of our Halloween Pictures - we won't get to celebrate Halloween as we are driving to Texas for a wedding on Halloween night so we are taking our pictures early....

This is Austin the Lion and Ansley the Pea-in-a-pod ---Austin has a tail on the back that wags as he walks - You cannot help but laughing hysterically when it happens - maybe better that we will not be around for the festivities on the 31st!!

We are going to take some more once the sun is not so bright in their little faces....

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I forgot - those close up pictures were to capture Ansley eating her first meal....rice cereal!! I planned to wait for another month or so, but she saw me eating some ice cream and every time I went to take a bite she opened her mouth too, so I thought what the heck!!

This is not the best picture - but you get the point - she seems to really like eating - yippee!!

Hanging Out

Well just when I think I should get a new camera, I go off and take a good picture with the one we have - I like this one of Ansley - she seems very pensive but she is just watching her big brother play...
One of Austin's favorite phrases to say is "mommy & Austin are hanging out" or "Austin & Ansley are hanging out" or who ever is around at the this is how we hung out this week!!

He put his favorite animals in his car - he was going for a joyride
seems the bear would not fit in, so he has a little hanging out the back!!
Ansley is teething, so much of her week she spent biting everything - Austin told her not to bite her mommy or she would have to go to time out - ha....hard to explain the difference between this biting and the one that is not okay
And somehow we forgot to mention that we are SO EXCITED about our Texas Longhorns being #1 and beating ou....Hook'em Horns!!!!!
We're just gonna keep hanging out - ya'll have a great weekend hanging out!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Time Management

So I have managed to catch on film the closest thing to "eating all fours" rather than walking on all fours. She is concerned that she was unable to get her last "four" into her mouth.....must get back to work.....

Work you say....well, I have a chat session every Sunday night for the online classes I teach and since Eric is hunting I was home alone with both children during the my bright idea to entertain Austin included bringing books into our bedroom to engage Austin while I worked.....he had BIGGER the end, this is what our bedroom looked like after a 1 hour chat session - he feels like he managed his time well.

Three posts in 1 day.........too much...........notice Austin's dirty feet, maybe we should spend more time in the bathtub!! haha


Possibly one of the last "toothless" pictures of Ansley

This looks upside down but it's not; she is sitting in her swing and I am above her.....I was trying to take the second shot when she heard me turn on the camera and decided to turn around to see what was going on.....

You see I was trying to document that you always have can put your left foot in your mouth, your right foot in your mouth, your left hand in your mouth, or your right hand in your mouth; or as Ansley often chooses, she puts all four in her mouth. I will try to catch it on film. Right now she is obsessing about her hands and the control she has over them - she will just stare at her fist and move it back and forth and put it in her mouth and then take it out.....oh the things that entertain a 4.5 month old!!


Long story short Ansley & I went to Eric's hunting lease last night to "camp" with was lots of fun and Ansley really seemed to enjoy herself. She loved the campfire and just stared at the flames for hours. She slept really well and did not seem to disrupt the "camp" too much.

The men in the next "camp" site gave Eric a hard time for bringing his "old lady" with him but then thought it was great when they learned his old lady and young lady were both there!! Fun fun; but next time will require more than 20 minutes notice for packing so that I do not forget the camera!!!

Ansley has also started teething! AAARRRRGGGGHHHH - she responds well to teething tablets, but I just would have liked to delay the teeth as long as possible.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Photographer I am not

But I try to take pictures with both of them in them .............
here Austin is Mr. Cool and Ansley is obviously in pain
here Austin is doing his funny smile and Ansley is intoxicated
and do I even need to describe this one - for goodness sake look at the look on Ansley's face! Funny thing, she wasn't crying while we were taking these pictures, she just didn't want to see the camera again!!
Have a good weekend!!