Sunday, November 30, 2008

Rainy Days

It has been raining here for 3 days, and we sure did need it, but it makes for some interesting playtimes in the house....
Seems Ansley can "fit in" anywhere - she is literally riding in the bed of one of Austin's trucks!
Austin showing us that he has teeth & a uvula - unlike his mother
and then there is Madison...just hanging out and showing us her cataracts - she did turn 12 in October...she is a good ol' dog

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey Day pics

Austin's new MO - shy & playful

Ansley demonstrating the proper way to eat prunes

Austin hanging out with Dad & Uncle Bunny - really bad angle but it does give evidence to where Austin gets his wide feet from.....

Ansley just hung out with me all day Thanksgiving until the family can see in the background that it was sunny all day and in the mid 60s, so beautiful weather for a beautiful day....much to be thankful for....

And her smile says it all....that and hey Mom I am tired of looking at this camera thingy.....

Friday, November 28, 2008

New Austinisms

Momster - a word to describe his mother...."I love you momster" which of course sounds like monster.....Freudism by a 2 year old?

Sleep potatoes - orange potatoes fed to Ansley which induce sleep upon completion of the meal - he could be onto something

Doctor - a word used to describe any mechanic - so if his car is broken it has to go to the doctor...good thing I went to school for 11 years to be synonymous with a mechanic

What is that? - instead of "why" as every other 2 & 3 year old obsesses with our son says "what is that" and he uses it ALL of the time.....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lazy bones

Ate too much....must rest....mommy made me homemade baby food....can't eat anymore....must get some is at grandma & grandpas house.....our house is quiet.....why do 2 year olds talk so much....mommy made homemade baby food.....I smell turkey....

Ansley & her daddy were having a staring contest the other night....I tried to catch it on film, but she caught me

She is showing us how strong her neck muscles are

So really I made a big mental note to do better with postings.......has not been working I know. The great thing is that there are only 2 weeks left in my semester and then I am off for a month; maybe I will do better then.
Happy Turkey Day!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Daddy is 1 year older today!! So Austin made him a birthday card - copyright Thomas the Tank Engine!! Happy Birthday Daddho we are glad you are our Daddho!!!
Note to self: next year buy kids glue so that you do not have to put birthday card together with double sided tape while trying to entertain said 2.5 year old and .5 year old. Since when is tape so hard to use?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So as we were driving down the road to the nanny's house we saw a load of boats and I said to Austin that we should get Daddy a new boat for his birthday. Austin said "no, Daddy has enough boats." Note to self: red-headed child picks up and applies a bit too much of what his Mommy & Daddy say.....

Saturday, November 8, 2008


So I was doing some work today on our house that required me to use my arms a lot. After about half an hour of work, I said "man Austin my arms are tired" to which he responded "you need to put them to bed" - ha

So then after lunch I said it was time to go take a nap and Austin said "and you can put your arms to bed too."

Literal thinker?

I promise to post pictures from out trip to Dallas soon!!