Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Luck 'o the Irish to ya'

I caught them mid-play on our backyard swing set.

An is swinging on her "big girl" swing.........I can vividly remember doing this myself as a child.
Austin making tracks in the sand box ........... finding and burying treasure :)

My favorite time of year!! This is from a cherry tree in our front yard.

Charlie and his girlfriend, Goldie, the next door is the one in the back of the picture.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Damn it

So Eric's parents picked the kids up from school today, and while riding home Ansley said "damn it" and so of course Austin in turn said "damn it" Grandma says "Austin, where did you hear that, you do not say that, who do you hear say that?!?" To which Austin replied "Ansley"

I still smile when I hear that little voice in my head; I also am dreading my life with teenagers :)