Monday, May 30, 2011

Granddad's Visit

Grandad and Nanny came from Texas to visit about a month ago, and I am just now getting to putting the pictures up on the blog; So Sorry!!  Anywho, while they were here, Grandad went to Austin's Pre-K classroom on a Friday afternoon and played the role of the "mystery reader."  See the class does not know who is coming or what they are going to read.  Well, we kept Granddad & Nanny's visit a COMPLETE surprise from Austin & Ansley.  They literally had NO clue that they were coming in from Texas to Georgia, so it was a MAJOR surprise for Austin to say the least!!  This is a picture of Granddad reading to Austin.  Note the cowboy hat on the table behind Granddad.  You see, Grandad walked into the classroom as a cowboy, with his hat on and his boots.
Here he is reading to Austin's whole class (sort of) there were actually 20 kids in his class, so they are not all in this picture.  
And then the parting shot, with all of us.  Austin had a blast!!  And I have a sinking suspicion that Granddad did too!!! 
After it was all said and done, the kids actually had more fun talking about the "cowboy" that came to visit their classroom than the book he read.  Seems we don't have too many cowboys in this part of GA!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Ansley is 3! We are so excited!! 3! 3! 3! Yippee!!

Here she is opening her gift from Nanny & Granddad

And opening her cards from SO many good friends and family members!!

and playing with her baby doll!!

Remember this is our baby book:
Ansley, you are 3!  WE cannot believe it.  Some of our favorite things about you right now are: the fact that when you say you are 3, you say "free;" you love for us to be "proud" of you, (Mommy, are you SO proud of me?); you NEVER cry!!!  I mean never, you fell today off of the bouncy house and you did not cry; you are so not related to your brother!!  You love to give hugs, even to complete strangers; we are working on that!!  You love your friends at school and the teachers always say that if they only had Ansleys to watch all day that their jobs would be too easy!  You love to poop in the potty, and I only wish I were kidding when you tell us everyday that you pooped in the share too much!!  Charlie is still your dog, he loves you like nobody else!  You are still really small, as of a few days ago, you still only weigh 24 pounds.  You are strong willed and confident; you do not let anyone push you around! Yet you are very flexible and agreeable.  If you have a toy someone else wants (usually Austin) then you give it to them and just keep going.  Just today your daddy said he thought you had an "old soul" just like him :)  You enjoy books and baby dolls; every night you read to your baby dolls and pat them on the backs with their blankets on their backs, just like the teachers at school.  Dresses are your thing, and anything PINK!!  You like your hair in "ponies" and are a girlie girl.  Bedtime is not your favorite and you still sneak into mommy & daddy's room sometimes to sleep with us. 

Your brother LOVES you and often he or you will go up to the other and say "Austin, I love you" or "Ansley, I love you" which makes your mom & dad happy.  Even though you may make each other crazy sometimes, you still look out for each other and want the other to be happy.

We love you big girl!!

Some bunny

This is an old post that simply would not post until today :(

It seems that Uncle Bunny felt that the Easter Bunny should bring us two bunnies.............
meet Ansley's Bunny (that's right the bunny's name is Bunny)
and Thumper :) Two rabbits are twice the fun!!
This is just a random picture of An from earlier this winter.........don't you wish you were that flexible?