Austin joined Cub Scouts and is a Tiger Cub; he has really enjoyed all the things he has done thus far. Today they had a Soap Box Derby and he and Eric are camping tonight, so there maybe more pictures to come from camping tomorrow!!
Here he is being pushed by one of his fellow Tigers in an oval race.
He is coming around the finish line!!
This was a downhill race; he was screaming most of the way down!!
He was checking his time.
He is back in the downhill race.
Here he comes!!
These pictures are from two weekends ago; there is an annual parade in our neighborhood that shuts down the main road. The kids and Eric have gone every year we have lived here, but this year I got to go too! Austin was marching in it with his Cub Scout Troop.
Ansley was eagerly waiting to get as much candy as she could grab!!
Here is our Tiger Cub bringing his sister some candy; talk about front row service!!!
Then he ran back to Dad before anyone caught him being nice to Ansley!!