Well, ladies and gentlemen, it has been a 3 day party and we are finally pooped!!!.......It all began on Sunday with a little birthday party here for Ansley....I should have known better than to have a kid this close to the end of the school year.......here she and her friend Megan are hanging out eating lots of pizza!!
Austin is totally shocked that she is having a 3 day party....who knew you could do so much for such a little person......
Here the party begins with An and her Uncle Bunny's girlfriend Lauren, who happens to have the exact same birthday as An!! He knows how to pick young uns'....kidding!!! But she did share with Ansley in the princess theme for her birthday :)
So then on Monday we took the party to school where she had a princess cake with her friends....cake is behind her head :) She was being a little shy at first for the camera.....
But then a little sugar fixed the shyness!! So we had more cake......
Finally, this morning she got to open gifts from family.....her dad gave her a sports car......what a great color!! Seems the Barbie convertible has changed over the years, but not by much.
Then a card from GG B.....with a check, at which point Ansley said, and you have to know I cannot make this up...."Oh boy, look Mommy, money for college!!" I could not be more proud!!!!! I mean come on, kid!!
A parting shot this morning of Austin giving his sister a birthday hug :)
Then on to Pre-K graduation!! She is signing/singing the ABCs....very cute and now she knows her ABC signs.
With her teachers Mrs. Cathy and Mrs. Megan getting her "candy bar award." She got the Dove Bar award for being the peacemaker in her class through playing so well with all of her friends, being a leader, and making sure everyone was included .... little more pride for the day :)
Finally outside to the swing set to get in a few final minutes of playtime with her Pre-K friends she will not see next year at Kindergarten.
I cannot believe our baby is 5!! 5 years since we had a bat flying around on her due date :) 5 years since we got to see that awesome smile :) 5 years since we had just one ACB :)
An, Ansley, Annie, Ansey-pie, Ampersand, you name it kid, you have got more names than all of the rest of your family combined! You keep changing and becoming such a delight to be in our lives. You still eat like an adult, and believe onions should be eaten like apples. You are quite the dresser these days, foregoing bloomers for leggings, and leggings only! You can talk to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. You literally talk our ears off ALL of the TIME!!! You can be so polite; your friends' parents often tell us how well you used your manners at their house even when we are not around. But you also know how to antagonize your brother like it is a full time job!! If I was anything like you at this age, then it is no wonder why Uncle Scott and Mommy got into so much trouble as kids!! You have some amazing facial expressions and can be such a character!! But you can also be as stubborn as a mule and frequently remind Mom & Dad it is okay to laugh!
The other night you snuck in Mom & Dad's room and slept on the floor beside our bed, while I was in the shower you started talking in your dream and said, "no, I do not want to eat the turtle, no turtle....okay, I'll eat the turtle" at which point you threw up in real life!!! It was the weirdest thing ever!! Your dream made you throw up in real life....no more dreams!!
We are so glad you are 5 and cannot wait to see what happens in the next 5 :) Love you snuggle buggle :)