Our lovely school district, and most of those in our state believe in starting school the first week of August and then giving our fair headed children a week long break after just 9 weeks of school....not exactly the best fit for working families, but we are trying to make the best of it........
We went to the lake to play......and boys being boys and all.....some found their way into the water.....AC1 is walking towards me after a slip in the water .... please take slip lightly....he full well went into the water as he wanted to go into the water and had been wanting to go into the water for quite some time.
But, then along came Eric with the 4 wheeler and some really good mud ...
which was just asking to be driven through......
Of course AC1 could not help but put himself in the trail of the 4 wheeler....all the while AC2 and I are just standing back and watching in awe!! How could someone enjoy this?!?
As you can see from the back of AC1; he got covered .... and on the front side he was smiling and laughing from ear to ear....oh wait....he looked like this:
literally, he could not have been any happier! The picture above was not from the same shot, it was after the fact when he decided since he was already muddy he should continue to play in the mud to see just how much mud he could get caked onto his little body! Needless to say, he was brown from neck to toes.
So he then took it upon himself to get clean in the lake.....clean is such a relative term when you started out SO filthy! But I cannot even begin to tell you how much fun he had!
Of course AC2 and I just sat back and watched....she was so happy to find a feather and hung with me until it was time to drag AC1 back out of the lake and to get a really, really good bath!