Better late than never I tell myself....we went to DC in May for a conference for my work and took the time to go to as many sites as we could in just a few days. Needless to say we walked out little feet off, but the kids were troopers!! We started our first day there on the main mall and by the end of the four days we had seen as much as humanly possible. We started down by the Lincoln Memorial....
Austin looking all too thrilled to be in a picture with his mom :); this is in the Lincoln Memorial too.
From this picture you can see the day ahead was cloudy and rainy, so we really had GREAT kids who endured a rainy, cool day in DC at mostly outdoor sites. There were LOTS of kids there because at the end of May most of the schools in the area were still in session. Our school had only ended the week before....just after we left the Lincoln Memorial we went to see the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Just before we started walking down the Vietnam Veterans Memorial we stopped to see a few people who were peacefully demonstrating regarding Sgt. Bergdahl; the reason this was interesting was because two days later, while we were still in DC he was released. Political views aside, we felt it was a neat experience for the kids to be in DC when it happened and talked about the connection to the people we had seen at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

A really cute couple volunteered to take a family photo of us in front of the "big pencil" as Ansley referred to the Washington Monument! It was REALLY cold at this point and we did not have coats, so we were in a hurry to get to an inside place at this point.
Just in front of the White House on one side there is a Boy Scout Memorial; Austin is really involved in Cub Scouts right now, so we walked around and too several pictures I will post later...but this is one of the ones we took.
Of course we went to see the outside of the White House too; this was on our first day there; later in the week we went and saw the other side. We did not go in.
Constitution Hall
Treasury Dept.
This last one is from the gardens at the Smithsonian Castle (Institution Building); Eric and the kids went there the day I had to go to my conference so I cannot tell you much about it; sorry! It obviously was a sculpture garden attached to the Smithsonian. They REALLY loved most of the museums and I am not kidding! They were not as impressed with the National Gallery of Art, but it was towards the end of one day that we went there and it might be a bit much for little ones.
I will write more once we get more DC pictures up.