Oh Ansley, how did it happen? How did you get to be 7 years old?!? No, seriously???? I cannot believe you are 7!
Look at that kitchen table!!! What a fun party we had this year - 7 years, 7 friends - 2 hours of crafts, piƱatas, baking pizzas, decorating cupcakes and cookies!!! No wonder Mom had to have an adult beverage afterwards ;0!!! Did I mention we were stuck inside because it was pouring down rain the whole time and we had planned for you guys to play in the backyard for most of the party? Must be why we played charades instead! But it was fun!!
Recap for your year: you started gymnastics this year, and you LOVE it!! We actually had to make you do it as you were content not doing anything outside of school and playing with your friends, but we wanted you to do some sort of activity and you picked gymnastics. You LOVE the bars and have convinced Dad to build you a set in the backyard...now we just need to make the time to do it!!
You love having friends over to play or going to friend's houses - your BFF is Leah, who you call Leafy and she calls you Apple - silly girls! You have done so well in school and the teachers always seem to talk about how well you do with helping all people feel included in the class and all activities. You seem to think boys are gross, which makes your Dad really happy ;0 You have found Eliyse in the back yard and now try to go and play with her any chance the two of you all get - bamboo forest and all! Of course, you still love to play with Megan any chance you get, such a neat bond the two of you all have - hard to believe it has been 4 years!!

You and Austin still fight like brother & sister - I am pretty sure that is NEVER going to change!!! It sure does make for some interesting times around here!! You also attempt to throw a fit every morning over us brushing your hair and putting it into a Taylor Swift ponytail, but it is such a distraction to you in class if we do not get it up so we have to do it!!
You LOVE American Girl Dolls and Grandma seems to think this is just great!!
This was from your birthday, obviously....you were VERY excited to get a new riding hat for your AG doll, can't tell from the picture (smile) how you ran off to try the new hats on, huh?!?
We cannot wait to see what life brings in the next 7 years with you! Love you!