He has obviously just taken a drink of the bathwater, and is questioning his own judgment at this time....
For once in my life, being negative has had a BIG payoff! I was complaining on Friday to a co-worker about how bad this week has been and how I don't know if Austin can take much more of the hotel, and she volunteered her house to us!!!! Turns out she and her husband are going on vacation for a week, have a couple of older pets, and would like someone to "pet-sit" - this could absolutely not come at a better time!! So we move out/in on Monday, which means the daily blogging will come to an end - but we will resume shortly. Turns out the compounding factors of this week - i.e. no more nursing, teething, daddy left, got herpangina, and living in a hotel - were just a little too much for our little man - hoping things get better on Monday!!
Farya is coming for a visit today, so we will post some pics with her tommorow - have a nice Saturday!