That's what the Doctor called it. Basically the symptoms are: a sore throat and pain with swallowing; fever for 2 to 3 days; and small ulcers surrounded by a red ring on the roof of the mouth and near the tonsils. Anywho, the best thing for throat relief and his appetite is a milkshake, oh boy let me tell you this kid loves that!! We went and got one from the Whataburger next door to the hotel and had some for snack. Otherwise, he has had very little appetite and manages to only eat a few Cheerios every once in while. But he seems to like the milkshake, so we will just hype the kid up on sugar and hope his fever breaks soon... These pictures are a perfct indication of what we did last night and ALL DAY today!! enjoy

sleeping on Momma

sleeping on the sofa bed
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