we decided to go with Eric's parents to Helen for a Sunday day trip - it is only about 1 hour from Atlanta. So here are some pictures of the things we enjoyed ... warning, we were "bad" parents....
Austin loves balloons - so we got him one in the shape of Madison so that he would not miss her while we were gone for the day.
This is where things got "messy" - you see Eric LOVES funnel cakes, so of course he said "before we leave I have to get a funnel cake" to which I said, "mmmm, yummy - but of course Austin cannot have any"... I admit, I gave him the first bite, and it was down hill from there - needless to say, Eric & I eat a dessert with EVERY meal and we may have started this taste a little too soon with AC - the first picture is his first bite, the second picture is what happened next, he REALLY wanted MORE, MORE, MORE!!
Then, on our way out of town we found a HUGE toy store and inside his Grandma found a really cool train set - it is heavy duty wood. The first picture is the toy 5 seconds out of the box, the second picture is the toy 15 seconds out of the box - needless to say, Austin LOVES his train and loves to take all of the blocks off and put them back on. He had previously developed a train fascination and this little toy will probably solidify that love.
On another note, classes started for me last week, and I really love all of my courses. The are all taught in the evening, so we have a nanny/babysitter come 3 days a week and help out. But starting next week, Eric & I have been able to coordinate our schedules where AC will go to daycare 2 days a week and then be home with one or both of us the rest of the time, which will be great!! As it turns out, childcare is much more expensive in Atlanta, so we are trying to cut corners where we can.
Anywho, hope all is well with you guys!
My "baby" is precious!!!!
He is so grown up. He'll never remember his favorite aunt.
I think he's starting to look more like his dad. NOT!!!!!!!
So glad to hear that you like your classes, obviously they must love you! I sure miss you bunches and it is so much fun reading your blog. Austin is so big, especially that head! Cute!!! I love the picks on the slide and of the average day at home. You are too funny with that CPS thing! Hope all's well.
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