Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hanging out, being silly

This morning, Austin seemed to be having some fun with Maddie, so we took some pictures together. I asked Austin to share his toys with Maddie, and this is what he did:

Correct me if I am wrong, but don't they look alike in this one, both putting their noses up in the air - what type of kids am I raising.

Austin with that weird/guilty grin

In this picture, he kinda looks like a hillbilly who is missing some teeth. He actually just got 4 more, but you obviously cannot tell in this picture. His teeth are my only explanation for why he has a faucet coming out of his mouth and nose this week. Pretty icky I know!
So as many of you may know, Eric & I are pretty laid back as parents. We do not get upset or too particular about things and we certainly will not impose our views on others.
Imagine Eric's surprise yesterday when he walked into Austin's very expensive preschool to find Austin sitting in a high chair watching TV! You see my friends, the TV is the only thing we are neurotic about - we don't want our son to watch TV until he is at least 2 and then ONLY in limited amounts. There are good research studies and a recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics that warn against this - BUT we do not get crazy at other people's houses and therefore Austin has viewed TV on the rare occasion. BUT NOT AT HIS PRESCHOOL THAT I AM PAYING A FORTUNE FOR HIM TO ATTEND JUST TWO DAYS A WEEK!!!!!
Needless to say I was VERY ANGRY last night when Eric told me this. So I sent an email to the school and the director provided a satisfactory explanation for this, but I just felt like I needed to use this forum to get it OFF my chest. I AM ANGRY!!
AAAHHHH, I feel better already. Now, don't judge me for my neuroses, we are just trying to raise our kid the way we want to raise our kid. I don't judge others who let their children watch TV and I will be the first to admit that sometimes it is hard to keep a child entertained 5 days a week without a TV, but we are doing it and we plan to continue.
Okay I am finished now. Have a great week!!


Kirsten said...

You make me laugh with your TV issues. But then. I kinda have my own issues. So. I'll shut up. And get back to watching The Backyardigans with the G. (You are really missing out! :))

Angela said...

Soooooo, the question is, are you yanking him out of his preschool!!!

I know how you are about TV (firsthand experience)so that's why I'm asking.