Last night when we all got home we decided to play around for a while to wear Austin out so he would sleep really well - part of it involved playing with momma. He is in his pajamas because he has the worlds' worst diaper rash right now - seems he is alergic to scented baby wipes - so he has to get a "bath" with each diaper change and so he went straight to his pajamas after dinner. He is obviously happy but in a lot of pain - rash is SO bad he has little spots that are BLEEDING - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated - besides don't buy scented wipes!!
Part of the reason why we needed to wear him out is he is getting his two year molars and they are giving him quite a problem - so the more he plays the better he sleeps through the pain of the teeth
Sunday night Eric's parents came to our apartment instead of us going to their house for dinner - today is Eric's mom's 60th birthday so we are going to their house for a big party tomorrow - here Austin is trying on his grandpa's hat - still a little big!!

The child is going through a stubborn phase right now, and part of that involves him doing his "own" thing a lot of the time - he has decided he will climb on EVERYTHING and particularly enjoys our coffee table - good thing it is sturdy!!

Apparently he has been sneaking and watching TV - specifically the Dukes of Hazzard, as his new MO for getting into his car it through the sealed shut passenger side door - be careful next time he is around your car Granddad T he may confuse the red car and think he can slide in the passenger side door!!
The child is going through a stubborn phase right now, and part of that involves him doing his "own" thing a lot of the time - he has decided he will climb on EVERYTHING and particularly enjoys our coffee table - good thing it is sturdy!!
Apparently he has been sneaking and watching TV - specifically the Dukes of Hazzard, as his new MO for getting into his car it through the sealed shut passenger side door - be careful next time he is around your car Granddad T he may confuse the red car and think he can slide in the passenger side door!!
Some of you have asked to see a photo to see how big I am - well, not being one to have her picture taken - this is the best you get - you see I can still ride Austin's big wheel with him riding on the handlebars, so I can't be that big? Yeah right - I am 7 months along and starting to look more & more like a beached whale - there are signs all around that say "warning, rotting carcus!" haha

But I obviously am not that big if I can still commandeer the big wheel! Truly I had Eric take the picture because this is probably the last time I can get into & out of it and wanted to have the memory for AC & I later on...
Well, we got the house, the inspection went fine - needs a few things - like a hot water heater & gutter repair, but all really minor things that we will ask the sellers to take care of or reimburse us. Should close in 1 or 2 weeks and then start all of the "work" i.e.....
look at that kitchen!! Obviously has not been updated since 1980 when it was built - that is our realtor's partner in the picture - we will obviously paint - if you can't tell that those are tangerine orange & lemon yellow walls in the kitchen - AARRRGGHH!! We are also going to put in new countertops, new dishwasher, sink, etc. by we I mean we are going to pay someone to put in our ideas....
Last but not least, we have chosen a name for our little girl, sort of, it will be Ansley Colleen or Ansley Caitlyn - just haven't decided which middle name yet - the first name stays though and we are getting really ready for her arrival. My co-workers threw me a surprise baby shower yesterday and we got LOTS of cute girly things that we hope Ansley will enjoy - now I am getting too excited...
Have an awesome weekend & check back for pictures of Eric's mom's whole family big 60th birthday party!!
Wow, Austin is getting so big. I love the pictures of the two of you on the big wheel! Those days are numbered alright. Cheap way to get out of a belly shot!!!!
You look beautiful!!!! (I know --- say "yuck" but you really do!!! Pregnancy becomes you..... Why can't you stand up for a shot, you're not a "beach whale" ---- far from it.
So happy you guys got the house. Will you be in before the baby?
Miss ya lots!!!
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