Friday, June 6, 2008

Ways to combat sleepiness

Start by going outside with your 2 year old while your newborn sleeps peacefully....look in the trees in your back yard .... look for a hawk!!! Yes, if you can see from my horrible picture taking ability, there is a hawk in the center of this picture on a branch about 25 feet from our back porch.....we won't be having a koi pond now will we??

Next, you should fill up a plastic box with 4 gallons of water and provide said 2 year old with a few cups, a bucket, a pan, and whatever else might be laying around on the back deck.....

He is a little camera shy with his big old belly hanging out.....

We spent lots of time measuring out the water from one cup to another, little "mad scientist" for ya'

And just for you Texas is a shot of part of our back yard, put into perspective with the deck railing just above where Austin has been cannot even see the tops of the trees....this is one part of Georgia that I LOVE compared to have to admit at least I have found one thing that I love.....

Have a good weekend.....must get some sleep......


Sat Raha Kaur said...

I hope yo uare getting some good sleep tonight! Thinking of you guys and congrats again on the little cutie. Isn't Austin's birthday this coming week?

love ya!

Arlene Pike said...

Hey, hope things are better "sleep-wise".

Your area looks totally beautiful.

Much nicer than Dallas.

We still miss you, though!!!!
