Saturday, January 31, 2009


Ansley is acting like she feels better....

this is her new smile to show her teeth - from a different angle you could see the "Bugs Bunny" effect

"caught" in a better mood.....seems to be doing much better!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Belated Birthday

Happy 4th Birthday Carter!! Sorry we missed it on Wednesday; hope you had fun with your Mom & Dad! We miss you!!

E. Coli

LONG story...Ansley has a kidney infection and the bacteria is E. Coli and she is being treated with an antibiotic that has some very serious side effects that we hope we don't encounter. Keep her in your thoughts please!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Welcome Home Ellie!!

The four girls of the house!! Please ignore the severity of Madison's cataracts....

This is Ellie - she is our new doggie as Austin calls her. She is from the pound so we don't know much, other than she has some pointer in her, maybe around 5 months old, potty trained, and very loving. She has been good today; she is very excited and knocked Ansley down the minute she got here so we have had a few hiccups but otherwise all is well. Austin has a new playmate and he has had a blast all day with her!!

Ansley did not like her earlier, but warmed up to her tonight in my lap.....hope you have a nice Sunday!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I spilled iced tea on Austin's magnetic letters and the following dialog occurred:

Me: Oh wait Austin don't pick up that letter I have to dry it off I spilled tea on it.
A: Say you're sorry.
Me: To the letters?
A: No to me, they are my letters.
Me: Austin I am sorry that I spilled tea on your letters.
A: Okay Mommy I accept your apology.

My thoughts: really, did I just have to apologize to some plastic letters that are the source of many long discussions on why it is important to pick up your toys so that you do not break your mother's neck?????? Yes, but as Kirsten reminded me, this just goes to show that we are teaching him manners. Aha!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


That's the preliminary diagnosis....should go away on its own.....she is better today; seems she cried ALL day yesterday with the nanny, Mamma Lane as Austin calls her. Today the Dr. said to just keep doing what we are doing, keep her hydrated, upright, and use the humidifier as much as possible.

So, send healthy thoughts Ansley's way again....she is just so sad when she is sick.

Happy Hump Day!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Not much new

We are boring; Austin has been gone to Grandma & Grandpa's house since Saturday....he may come home today.....starting to miss him.

Ansley is still sick; the Dr. said it was not another UTI but she is still fussy, we think it might be her teeth (runny nose & cranky) or the Chow Chow (cabbage giving her gas) or the refried beans we made to go with the Chow Chow (obviously gas). So the Chow Chow was fun for me while it lasted, but alas it will have to wait until May when Ansley stops nursing. Until then I will just have to sit by and watch my husband enjoy our homemade condiment!!

FYI - in two days Eric & I managed to eat almost a quart of Chow Chow .... seems we may have an eating problem in our house.

okay - no more medical info!!

My semester started today so I am working on Tuesdays & Wednesdays this semester so we will be back to our regular schedule......not much else to say

Have a great week!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

UTI #2

Ansley woke up fussy today.....and would not eat solids, just would nurse.....then woke up with a fever from nap.....and just would not stop we went in to see the doctor and seems she has another UTI. She did not have to have a catheter as she gave them a sample just before they put the catheter in...YIPPEE!!! But she does have to take antibiotics for 10 days and is very sad, so send happy thoughts her way ;)

She is up to 13 lbs & 12 oz. which is good for Ansley, she is a little one, but everything else looks good.

Have a nice Tuesday.

ps. Hook 'em Horns!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Probably so...

L: Hey Austin, where is your bear? Is it in Mommy & Daddy's room?

A: Probably so
L: Hey Austin, will you go take a bite of your fish sticks?

A: Probably so
L: Hey Austin, do you want to go to the basement to play with your trains?

A: Probably so

Obviously a new favorite phrase around here

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Chow Chow part 2 & Christmas

We had not yet done "Christmas" with Eric's family, so everyone came over today for 'drunch'

Austin got a Thomas the Train tent - he and Uncle Bunny spent the day running around in it - Austin is walking the front & Brian the back

Uncle Bunny & daddy & grandpa are going duck hunting in a few days, so Uncle Bunny got lots of duck related presents, including a new duck call which Austin thought was the coolest thing ever!!

Our table.....pre-feast....missing a few Texans.....

and then pictures of success......we made 6 large jars of chow chow with the help of about 20 phone calls and emails to Aunt Net & Uncle Roy

Here are some other pictures of the process

note the need for the lap top beside the stove......

We admit we did not have a clue what we were doing....but all seems to have worked out well so we will see in a few days....keep your taste buds crossed!!!!!
Again, Happy New Year & Prospero Ano & Felicidad!!!!