We had not yet done "Christmas" with Eric's family, so everyone came over today for 'drunch'
Austin got a Thomas the Train tent - he and Uncle Bunny spent the day running around in it - Austin is walking the front & Brian the back

Uncle Bunny & daddy & grandpa are going duck hunting in a few days, so Uncle Bunny got lots of duck related presents, including a new duck call which Austin thought was the coolest thing ever!!

Our table.....pre-feast....missing a few Texans.....

and then pictures of success......we made 6 large jars of chow chow with the help of about 20 phone calls and emails to Aunt Net & Uncle Roy

Here are some other pictures of the process

note the need for the lap top beside the stove......

We admit we did not have a clue what we were doing....but all seems to have worked out well so we will see in a few days....keep your taste buds crossed!!!!!
Again, Happy New Year & Prospero Ano & Felicidad!!!!
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