We actually went to the pound yesterday and looked at new dogs; we found a yellow lab we liked and will wait to see if we are approved to get him, maybe this weekend......I really think that a new dog will be a nice addition to our house ;)
So, what's new? Lots & little!
Here you find Austin in his finest duds!! OMG, mismatched socks, pajama pants, too long t-shirt and all!!
He is showing you his puzzled look! So this past week I decided to cut his hair.....he was in the bathtub and I was just going to "trim" the back a bit.....in the process I cut his ear!! Total accident, obviously, but it bled pretty bad and I felt AWFUL!! When he finally stopped crying and bleeding, he turned around and this is what followed:
Austin: "Mommy, first and foremost"
Mommy: dying laughing
Austin: "Mommy, why are you laughing?"
Mommy: "Austin, did you really just say first, and foremost"
Austin: big smile on his face "I like that word"
Mommy: "Okay"
Austin: "First and foremost, Mommy, you need to apologize for cutting my ear"
Mommy: still laughing/smiling "Okay Austin, I am SO sorry for cutting your ear"
Austin: "Okay, and second, next time I promise not to move in the chair at the haircut store because I do not want you to cut my hair anymore"
Mommy: "Okay Austy, that's a deal!"
Austin is learning to read at school; he goes to a mother's morning out three days a week
here are 3 of his words, he knows about 10: Austin, at, cat, fat, big, it, door, chair, window, snow...
Speaking of snow.....this was the view on Friday out of our front door.....we got about 3 inches total, but nothing like what Dallas, TX had!! We were jealous.
And then, there is Ansley........my sweet little Ansley........she fell this week and had to go to the ER. This picture does not do her finger justice.......she was standing in one of our kitchen chairs and turned around, and the momentum knocked the chair down and she got her finger caught between the chair and the floor....she broke the tip and had a HUGE cut that bleed like I have never seen anything bleed before!! We took her to the ER, she got several stitches and the tip is broken.....she had to get x-rays and the whole 9 yards.....but she was a trooper!!
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