This is an after shot
This shows you how long it is now....she got about 2 inches cut off
She was happy to pose for the camera
This was taken before we went to get it cut, so you can kind of see how long it was....but this last picture has more to do with the idea of nature vs. nurture....we do not encourage her to play with dolls, in fact, most are up so high or tucked away so that she cannot play with them, not on purpose so much now, but before she was just too little to play with the ones she had been given. But this last picture shows her new favorite past time, it is taking a towel/blanket and covering her baby doll and patting her on the back. I am sure she sees the teachers at school doing this for her and the other kids in her class at nap time, but she has just starting doing it here with this doll. Mind you there are NO other dolls or girl toys down at her level, most everything is boy based, like trucks and trains and cars, I am a firm believer in the nature idea that girls are more nurturing. Just my two cents ;)
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