Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ureteral Reimplantation

It's done; we are home from the hospital, and all went well. Ansley had her ureter reimplanted into a new spot in her bladder. She is on restricted activities for 2 weeks and then will go back in a few weeks for follow up tests to assess the surgery's success. But for now, she seems fine, she is wetting diapers as she should be and she seems pretty much the same old Ansley.

Here she is after getting her "giggly juice" before she went into surgery; the nurses were great and everything they did to Ansley they did to her baby doll first so that things were not so scary

she really did look drunk in real life too! She just kind of hung out in Eric's lap and talked more gibberish than normal!!

I did not take a lot of pictures as I mainly held her all day and night; but here are a few...

hanging out coloring - her eyes were pretty red and irritated on the skin all around her eyes as they taped her eyes closed during the surgery. She had "caudal anesthesia" so her muscle control was a little out of whack and they wanted to ensure her eyes were safe during the surgery. So her eyes were really the worst looking part yesterday.

a close up of her IV; just remember this is my digital baby book.

her room; Pooh in the background helped out too during the rough parts. We were confined to our room yesterday since she had to be hooked up to a number of machines; IV, blood oxygen monitor, etc. She had trouble sleeping, so she and I both slept in her bed, it was a little uncomfortable, but worth it so that she was not so restless. She would wake up periodically and say, "close your eyes Mommy" "go to sleep Mommy"

she was drawing a picture for Austin for good measure ;)

We made it through, and are thankful for the skilled doctors, nurses, etc. that helped us!!

I will update more later.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I have decided to marry Eric ;) I have had squeaky brakes (really squeaky) for several weeks/months now, and they were starting to drive me crazy and were a bit embarrassing in the "kiss & ride" lane at Austin's, my dear husband replaced my brake pads tonight, and taught me how to do it too!! I was completely impressed!!!

Furthermore, he did not utter one cuss word and it only took an hour!!! I think I should marry this man!!

Thanks dear!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

No liky big bed...

So tonight after we put Ansley down for bed, she showed up down stairs a few minutes later saying "no liky big bed" "no liky big bed" ... so I picked up the somewhat sobbing child and carried her back upstairs to her room. See, while Nanny & Grandad were here An went to her big bed instead of her crib, so we took it down and are planning to sell it, so there is no going back!!

But I did find it intriguing that after several weeks of no problems, all of a sudden she didn't like her big girl as she and I were talking, in came Charlie to her room, and then into her bed!! Seems she does not like her big girl bed because Charlie felt it was his duty to sleep with her. So when he jumped in, Ansley again said "no liky big bed" and I asked if it was because Charlie jumped in with her and she said "jes" (yes). So problem solved, and we are now back to "liky big bed."

You all sleep tight in your big beds too!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

OMG a month off!!

Where have we been? Busy!!

Let's recap....but was Austin's first day of pre-K!!

All dressed & ready to go...

Has his backpack all his frog for nap time

Having second thoughts about leaving....

And then there is the parting shot.....Austin walking out the front door and Ansley shocked to be staying home ... such a big boy!!

So what has been going on since we last spoke.....
Granddad & Nanny came to visit us for a few days
Ansley went for her annual urinary tract study/tests
Ansley's Urologist has determined that her urinary tract is not getting any better on it's own, so we have scheduled her for surgery on 8/24. She will be in over night but this should fix the problem for good!

That is all the news that is fit to print....stay tuned, I hope to get some video of Ansley talking on the phone up here later today ;)