Let's recap....but first....today was Austin's first day of pre-K!!
All dressed & ready to go...
Has his backpack all packed.....plus his frog for nap time
Having second thoughts about leaving....
And then there is the parting shot.....Austin walking out the front door and Ansley shocked to be staying home ... such a big boy!!
So what has been going on since we last spoke.....
Granddad & Nanny came to visit us for a few days
Ansley went for her annual urinary tract study/tests
Ansley's Urologist has determined that her urinary tract is not getting any better on it's own, so we have scheduled her for surgery on 8/24. She will be in over night but this should fix the problem for good!
That is all the news that is fit to print....stay tuned, I hope to get some video of Ansley talking on the phone up here later today ;)
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