So she pooped in the potty!!! Yeah!! But then, a few short hours later, at the doctor's office regarding the fever & persistent cough, she pooped in her diaper :( I was very sad!! But still very excited that she pooped once in the potty, it's a start!! She was diagnosed with a virus and told to stay home for a few days, so we will keep with the potty training. Again, I have decided not to show documentation of these events.
So tonight at dinner the conversation goes like this:
Austin: Mom, there is a great king in town who does great things!
Mom: Oh?
AC1: Yeah, his name is Martin Luther King
Mom: Oh, yes, I know him.
AC1: Yes, he does great things, he changes the world!
Mom: Do you know how he did that?
AC1: Yes, he got people to stop fighting.
Mom: Who is fighting? Do you know why they are fighting?
AC1: No.
Mom: Oh, okay, where did you learn about Dr. King?
AC1: At school!
Mom: Great, did you learn anything else about Dr. King?
AC1: No, that was it.
We continued talking about other things at school and he showed me how to write "cat" ... who says kids don't learn anything at school?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Today, there is a battle of wills going on in our house. You see on Saturday night, Eric's parents kept both kids, so we had time to go shopping and take care of errands, etc. So we had time in the diaper aisle at Target to compare prices, look for bargains, etc. ... to that end, I decided I was done!! I was DONE wasting $20 on 124 diapers!! DONE I tell you!! DONE!!
So today, I stayed home with Ansley and have been stuck in the kitchen with her since 8am and while she has tt'ed in the potty numerous times, she refuses to poop!! So ... as I sit here and look at her sleeping on the floor of the kitchen without a diaper on because I know the minute I put one on her she will poop in it ... I think to myself, how did I ever think one stubborn girl was going to ever teach another stubborn girl how to use the big girl potty!!!
I will be victorious!! Or will at least not put a diaper on her again!!
So today, I stayed home with Ansley and have been stuck in the kitchen with her since 8am and while she has tt'ed in the potty numerous times, she refuses to poop!! So ... as I sit here and look at her sleeping on the floor of the kitchen without a diaper on because I know the minute I put one on her she will poop in it ... I think to myself, how did I ever think one stubborn girl was going to ever teach another stubborn girl how to use the big girl potty!!!
I will be victorious!! Or will at least not put a diaper on her again!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Snow mountain!!
This is a video of Austin going down the snow mountain our neighbor created .... of note, school was cancelled again today, and with Monday being a holiday for MLK day .... we will have been out of school for 10 days!!! We really did like the snow initially, but now, we are tired of it!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
This was the best sight I have seen today; seems we are stuck at home for day #3, which would not be bad if day #1 had of been a Saturday...but it was a Monday, so this means our kids have been stuck at home for 5 days in a row with very little time to play outside due to the bitterly cold is a picture of Eric driving off with the kids and one of the neighbors and two of their kids to go to the grocery store and run around and get essentials ... and ... a much deserved trip to the McDonald's playground to go get some of their energy out!!
They say that the roads will probably not clear up until Friday afternoon, so that would be one week without school ... it was fun at first, but I think the kids might go stir crazy by Friday, only to have a weekend, and that my friends is a week with no school. That is enough to make this old woman weak!!
The mound beside Eric's truck is the mound of ice we scrapped last night so that our cul-de-sac might be more manageable today. One of our neighbors left yesterday while he could, with a suitcase, so that he could go to work, and then just spend the night there until the weather improved enough for him to come back home.....oh the sacrifices we sometimes have to make to pay the bills!!
Hope you all are warm!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Snow 2011
Oh my gosh!!! That's right, 5 inches of snow!! Now, of course when I first did this, I thought it was 7, but of course the ruler is upside down!! duh!!!

We are SNOWED in!! Love it!!

Austin making a very rough snow some point overnight the snow was light and fluffy, but then the sleet started and it became hard on top but very fluffy underneath, so ... snow angels were hard to do....... but ...... fun was had none the less

Austin showing us how cold he is

Austin had just fallen down, face first into the snow bank the neighbor had made while scraping their driveway.......note Ansley on Eric's four wheeler with her white cowgirl boots!! They are too girly!!

The snow hill the neighbor made; I cannot even begin to describe how much fun our whole neighborhood had on this. Basically it is just a snow slope - like a down hill slip and slide made out of snow, with hills and ramps that kids rode down on anything that would slide. At one point there were at least 10 kids in line to go down the hill. It was AWESOME!!! To think, this is Georgia!! Ansley and I rode down once together on this chair thing, and we totally flipped and I landed on my head - needless to say, I have a really bad headache, but An was fine!! 
And my favorite part of the day; snow ice cream!! This is one of my all time favorite memories from being a kid; my mom used to make snow ice cream for Scott and I. You just put milk, vanilla and a little sugar in some snow and mix it up real good, and tada ... snow ice cream!! It was awesome, and I am so glad the kids and I got to do this today!! We even saved the extra to eat later. Our snack was hot chocolate with snow ice cream.
We are SNOWED in!! Love it!!
Austin making a very rough snow some point overnight the snow was light and fluffy, but then the sleet started and it became hard on top but very fluffy underneath, so ... snow angels were hard to do....... but ...... fun was had none the less
Austin showing us how cold he is
I am going in for a snowball, mid snowball fight with Austin ...... could be a great picture of our house if only I was not in the way :)

The hill leading up out of our cul-de-sac........needless to say, we are all going to struggle with it. Eric made it up it a few times on his four wheeler; he and the kids had fun playing!!
The hill leading up out of our cul-de-sac........needless to say, we are all going to struggle with it. Eric made it up it a few times on his four wheeler; he and the kids had fun playing!!
Austin had just fallen down, face first into the snow bank the neighbor had made while scraping their driveway.......note Ansley on Eric's four wheeler with her white cowgirl boots!! They are too girly!!
The snow hill the neighbor made; I cannot even begin to describe how much fun our whole neighborhood had on this. Basically it is just a snow slope - like a down hill slip and slide made out of snow, with hills and ramps that kids rode down on anything that would slide. At one point there were at least 10 kids in line to go down the hill. It was AWESOME!!! To think, this is Georgia!! Ansley and I rode down once together on this chair thing, and we totally flipped and I landed on my head - needless to say, I have a really bad headache, but An was fine!!
Later on, she rode down by herself, and I was SO nervous, but the smile on her face when she got down to the bottom of the hill without falling over was priceless!!

She liked sitting up here as she was safe from the snowball fights!
She liked sitting up here as she was safe from the snowball fights!
And my favorite part of the day; snow ice cream!! This is one of my all time favorite memories from being a kid; my mom used to make snow ice cream for Scott and I. You just put milk, vanilla and a little sugar in some snow and mix it up real good, and tada ... snow ice cream!! It was awesome, and I am so glad the kids and I got to do this today!! We even saved the extra to eat later. Our snack was hot chocolate with snow ice cream.
Hope you and yours are safe and warm!!
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