We are SNOWED in!! Love it!!
Austin making a very rough snow angel.......at some point overnight the snow was light and fluffy, but then the sleet started and it became hard on top but very fluffy underneath, so ... snow angels were hard to do....... but ...... fun was had none the less
Austin showing us how cold he is
I am going in for a snowball, mid snowball fight with Austin ...... could be a great picture of our house if only I was not in the way :)

The hill leading up out of our cul-de-sac........needless to say, we are all going to struggle with it. Eric made it up it a few times on his four wheeler; he and the kids had fun playing!!
The hill leading up out of our cul-de-sac........needless to say, we are all going to struggle with it. Eric made it up it a few times on his four wheeler; he and the kids had fun playing!!
Austin had just fallen down, face first into the snow bank the neighbor had made while scraping their driveway.......note Ansley on Eric's four wheeler with her white cowgirl boots!! They are too girly!!
The snow hill the neighbor made; I cannot even begin to describe how much fun our whole neighborhood had on this. Basically it is just a snow slope - like a down hill slip and slide made out of snow, with hills and ramps that kids rode down on anything that would slide. At one point there were at least 10 kids in line to go down the hill. It was AWESOME!!! To think, this is Georgia!! Ansley and I rode down once together on this chair thing, and we totally flipped and I landed on my head - needless to say, I have a really bad headache, but An was fine!!
Later on, she rode down by herself, and I was SO nervous, but the smile on her face when she got down to the bottom of the hill without falling over was priceless!!

She liked sitting up here as she was safe from the snowball fights!
She liked sitting up here as she was safe from the snowball fights!
And my favorite part of the day; snow ice cream!! This is one of my all time favorite memories from being a kid; my mom used to make snow ice cream for Scott and I. You just put milk, vanilla and a little sugar in some snow and mix it up real good, and tada ... snow ice cream!! It was awesome, and I am so glad the kids and I got to do this today!! We even saved the extra to eat later. Our snack was hot chocolate with snow ice cream.
Hope you and yours are safe and warm!!
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