Austin is on "bacation" for a week for Spring Break and we asked Eric's parents to just take him for a few days so we could still go to work, etc.....and they have decided to take him until Sunday; that would be a week my friends..........I may be weak at the end of this week :(

Charlie is already missing him

This was our bonding moment before he left ...

and then there is always Ansley, taking full advantage of AC1 being gone :) She had date night tonight with daddy while mommy was teaching :) So one of the many skills Austin has learned at school is his home phone number. So today, while with Grandma & Grandpa B. he calls our home phone and leaves this message: "Hi, I am Austin. Mom I love you. You are a good mom. and you are a good mom. And I love your dad. The end. Bye." Gotta love that kid!! So then, while talking to Grandma, she asks him, "who do you call in an emergency?" and he says 911 and Grandma says no, 411, and Austin says, "no Grandma, that is for information; you call 911 for an emergency" ...... Grandma conceded :)