Okay, so as you all know there has been some CRAZY weather going around the US lately........and we had our latest storm on Friday night........there was hail:

which apparently scared a little frog half to death.....so much so that he was clinging on for dear life on our glass front door :)

And then, despite all of our storms on Friday night, we still had a special visit from the Easter Bunny at our neighborhood clubhouse on Saturday morning!!
Austin and Ansley told him/her all about how excited they were to see him/her

then they went out for the "great" scavenger hunt
Ansley was on a mission!!
Austin was hopping around rather quickly
This was half of the group out hopping around......An is hiding behind a friend
And this was our "street" shot :) Roger, the little guy on the left is our youngest neighbor; he and Ansley enjoy hanging out as the little people. Then there are Austin, Saxton, Madison and Kylie.....all enjoying an early Saturday morning Easter Egg Hunt!!
Happy Palm Sunday!!!!
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