Monday, June 6, 2011

Odd things heard in our house today........

Just now, I hear crying from Ansley's bedroom, strike that, whailing.......I go running in there and this is what I find........."Mommy, I broke my teacher book!"  It seems Brown Bear, Brown Bear finally bit the dust, the spine has been severed :(  We will have to get the girl a new one.  She, like millions of other kids her age, loves BBBB and has loved it to pieces, literally!  She has it memorized and "reads" it over and over every night to her dolls in bed with her, and it was just too much tonight.

At dinner, Austin's food was hot, so he asked me to blow on it.  I was being lazy and just blew on it from across the table where I was sitting, so my aim on his food was not quite "direct" and he gets a big smile on his face and says, "Mom, your breath is so cool and refreshing"............really?

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