Friday, June 22, 2012

VBS 2012

We just finished up an amazing week of VBS at our church; Ansley got on stage to sing for the last day and Eric caught a few shots and a video.  WARNING: video is not for the faint at heart/stomach!!  If you get sea sick easily, do not watch the video as it is very shaky!!
 a little red eye...........

As you can see from the above pictures, she is wearing a HUGE white bow in her hair.
We were in boot camp all week and now we are part of God's army.  The kids had fun and enjoyed spending time with the bigger kids who were the helpers.  I was one of Ansley's teachers and can honestly say it was an experience!!  I would go to VBS from 9a-1p and then work until 3:30 or 4 when Eric would bring me the kids and go to made for a long week!

Eric allowed Ansley to be a photog later!
Austin had fun too; he was given lots of Happy Birthday high-fives on Tuesday and then got to tell all about his party when he returned on Wednesday.

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