Tuesday, July 2, 2019


We shipped both of our kids off to camp this week ... actually the same camp, just different "sections" of camp. Austin's is wildlife and Ansley's is horse camp. These are the pictures from Days 1 and 2....An you can CLEARLY see but Austin is literally hiding or just simply covered up in all of his pictures ... but a Mom knows her kids heads and he is thus in these pictures too. It is a bit like "Where's Waldo?" only substituting Austin's name ;0
This is the group picture for Austin's camp - he is there with one of his best friends from Kindergarten and his brother who was in the same grade as Ansley. They go to different middle schools but their Mom was also Ansley's 1st grade teacher, so we are a bit inseparable! 
 An on Day 1; somehow their hard work of "checking in" warranted ice cream later in the day!

This was from Day 2 (Monday) she looks like she is having fun at least!
 This muddy mess below is from Day 1 for Austin's group; they went through the mud course!! What a way to welcome in a bunch of boys to camp!! Austin is hiding in the upper left hand side of the group of kids and his friend Braden is in the front row on the far left looking like he LOVED the mud!! ..... I LOVE how all these campers are "hooking their horns" all the way in Georgia!!! They must have forgotten about the Sugar Bowl ;0
If this mud fest was on Day 1, can you imagine how bad these clothes will stink by Friday when we pick them up?!? Gotta LOVE camp!!!!

 Again, where's Austin" He is right in the middle with a black baseball cap on (birthday present from the Phillips ;0) and they appear to be making a bird house ... I think ... anywho, his friend Dylan is on the far left side in the orange shirt, so at least I knew this was Austin's group ;0

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