Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Some of you have recently asked, "How do you spend your days?" I'll show you...
First, we wave bye-bye to Daddy when he leaves for work...
We then attempt to scale the baby-gate that can't be that hard to remove...
Then we read and play with our magnetic animal book
Then we try to get mom to stop eating breakfast and get into the floor and play too - I am siting in a chair turned around looking at him, that is why he appears to be "jailed"
We then try to figure out what this big box is and why it does not work - hint: Austin does not get to watch TV so he does not understand how it works...
Then we play with Madison and try to figure out how to catch her tail - hehehe
Sometimes we get mad when she won't let us grab her
We even do things to scare mom - like falling and bumping our head - see the cut on his forehead & the look of surprise when his mom found out that Georgia also has a CPS
We always try to steal mom's camera, and ...
we will open our mouth when you say "Austin, let me see" to show mom, dad, etc the latest edible item we have found on the floor that obviously needs to be tasted by a 14 month old!!
Hope you all are having as much fun as us and that these pictures will satisfy your curiosity for a few days...

1 comment:

Funkiemonk said...


Its good to see that you are starting to get used to GA, just dont give into the temptations of dog fights! the career center will never be the same without all your funnies. I made a blog of my vacation you can check it out if youd like :)
