Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mon Mon

Well, Mon Mon is what Austin says for monkey, can't quite say monkey yet - but his reason for saying it today is that his Aunt Farya sent him the COOLEST sweatshirt in the entire world that has puppets for mittens. One is a monkey & one a giraffe looking character - Austin absolutely LOVED it and would not take it off - we had to wrestle him out of it for bath time!!

Here are some pics of him enjoying his cool puppets - thanks Aunt Farya!!!!

The giraffe is talking to Austin

The giraffe is talking to the window blinds - obviously very important work in Austin's world!!

Then the monkey & giraffe were talking to each other - check out the mischievous grin on his face. Obviously I had a VERY hard time getting him to pose for the camera with this on, he was FAR too concerned about playing and could care less about the camera.

Now the mon mon is telling mommy where to go with that camera thing.
I would have to highly recommend the "small Paul" sweatshirt for all boys & girls - hey Farya, any reason for picking an item named Paul?!? hahaha - thanks again, he LOVES it!!!
In other news, this is a sick house, Austin had a bug for a few days and got over it just in time for Eric to get a full blown flu - he has been sick for 3 days, and that is WAY too long in Eric's world, he has said repeatedly that this is the sickest he has ever been - maybe next year we will all get a flu shot instead of just Austin. Luckily I have not gotten anyone's bug yet, lots of hand washing!!
Stay warm & well!

1 comment:

Arlene Pike said...

Hi miss!!!!

He is getting sooooo big. I hope everyone is feeling ok and that you don't catch anything.

Miss ya

Give kisses and hugs to my "Austin"