Saturday, April 19, 2014

Random Pictures of Kids

Sometimes you just have to find someone close by to sit down and smile case you were wondering.
This was going to be our Christmas Card picture this year but I could not get Charlie's eyes to cooperate and not look so wild!

An & her favorite babysitter!

Potentially the first time Eric & I have taken a picture together since our wedding!!

Pumpkin Patch 2013

An's best buddy from our neighborhood & school

Neighborhood Parade

I have to catch up the blog to our lives!!  Back in September there was a parade in our neighborhood; we go every year and this year AC1 & Eric walked in it as part of their Cub Scout group while AC2 and I watched from the rainy sidelines!!

We ran into some friends while we were there, so we all piled in the back of our car and watched as everyone walked by getting soaked!!
Hopefully it will be sunnier this year!!