Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sick with the Flu

Well, for a few days this week, Austin decided he wanted to be sick with flu like symptoms, so we let him stay home from school & work & get pampered...needless to say, for two days he simply laid on me or the nanny or Eric and did not even move. This all started on Tuesday night and these pictures were from Tuesday at lunch, so they are a little misleading about how great of a week we didn't really have...
What we did do this week was learn how to eat like a big boy with our very own plate of food - we are trying to learn to not turn it over!! He seems to like his new booster seat and getting to eat at the table with mom & dad instead of in his high chair.
He of course, can't always be so handsome and charming....
I sure do miss the belly you can see in the above pictures - it is now gone, and he is quite a bit skinny!! We will fatten him back up in no time I hope.
This last picture is a wonderful example of what it is like when you decide to buy a house...boxes become your new way of life. If you look behind the couch you can see the start of our box wall!! On the bottom is the new 42' flat panel TV that Eric won and on top of that we have a new stroller, new clothes for Ansley, ceiling fans for the new house..........getting my point! Ah the joys of buying a home!
We will try to not misplace Austin under all of these boxes - haha


Teresa C said...

Sorry about the flu! Hope you are all feeling good this week. Check out our new blog when you get a chance:

hannakate said...

did you get the house?

Arlene Pike said...

Hey. Austin looks sooooo grown up. Don't fatten him up, he looks great. That's what happens when they get taller.

I bet he really likes being a big boy at the dinner table!!!!

Call me sometime.

Teresa C said...

Did you catch the flu??? I've been missing your updates.