Tuesday, March 25, 2008

21 months, 5 days

We made it 21 months and 5 days without a trip to the ER, but that streak ended last night - AC fell getting out of the bath tub and got a 3/4 inch long and about 1/4 inch deep cut on his chin. It all happened around 8:15/8:30 pm while Eric was helping him get out of the bath tub and I was at work. We finally got home from the ER, which is less than 1 block away, at 12:30 am - long couple of hours.....

Turns out the little dude is quite a trooper - he only really cried right when it happened and when they were "super-gluing" him back together - no stitches just glue and he even went to school today since he seemed back to normal this a.m.

We are SO glad he was not hurt that bad and as most people have said, this is probably just the first of a few trips to the ER that we, as parents, will experience.

I had a Drs. appointment today and all is well, we are in week 33 and she seems like she will be smaller than Austin (he weighed 8'8) and her heart beat is strong - she sure can KICK!! Seems like she is way more active than Austin.

I will keep ya posted on the little dude's chin, but seems like it will all be okay!!

1 comment:

Teresa C said...

Poor guy! Hope he heals quickly and that there are no more ER trips for a long time.

Won't be long now and your little girl will be here. Would love another "almost belly shot" before she arrives.