Saturday, August 23, 2008

Trip to the ER #2

Yep, fireplaces are case any of you were wondering
I was feeding Ansley and Austin was bringing me a book to read while she ate and he tripped; as you can kind of see he hit the back of his head and the cut is about 1/4 of an inch long & about 1/8 of an inch wide. He just needed one staple which you can't really see, but know that he was a trooper and did not even cry when they closed him up.

Ansley did not seem too worried about her big brother, her main concern was that I put her down in the middle of her meal and did not resume her meal for at least another hour....not a very nice momma!
We will keep you posted, but for all of ya'll who have uncovered edges on your fireplaces, cover them up when Austin is around as his head is sure to find it!
Happy Saturday night!

1 comment:

Teresa C said...

Poor dude. I hope that fireplace has a guard on it now. Declan's just as accident prone. We've only had to superglue him back together once though.