Sunday, February 21, 2010

Meet Charlie

We got a new dog from the pound this week.........

We think (pretty sure) he is a yellow lab; he is about 1-1.5 years old; he weighs about 65 lbs. and is the sweetest thing you have ever met.

He is very calm and gentle; he lets Ansley "walk" him around on the leash ;)

Ansley was not in the mood to smile for the camera!

Today was an absolutely beautiful day outside, so we all hung out outside for several hours and got to let Charlie get used to the neighborhood.

Austin tried to show him how to fly a kite ;)

Austin tried to get the kite going, but there was just not quite enough wind....

Ansley LOVES this dog!! I think she is going to have to fight me for ownership!! He is just so amazing, I cannot believe he was a "stray." He knows how to sit and "shake" and loves to have his belly rubbed. He got "fixed" on Friday, so he is really calm, and may liven up some, but even if he doesn't I am in LOVE and am so glad we got him!
What is even funnier, is when Austin does something, like takes Charlie's ball away and he is not supposed to, I say: Austin apologize to Charlie, and he says "Sorry Charlie" and it is just the funniest thing you have ever heard!!
Welcome home Charlie!!

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