Friday, August 13, 2010

No liky big bed...

So tonight after we put Ansley down for bed, she showed up down stairs a few minutes later saying "no liky big bed" "no liky big bed" ... so I picked up the somewhat sobbing child and carried her back upstairs to her room. See, while Nanny & Grandad were here An went to her big bed instead of her crib, so we took it down and are planning to sell it, so there is no going back!!

But I did find it intriguing that after several weeks of no problems, all of a sudden she didn't like her big girl as she and I were talking, in came Charlie to her room, and then into her bed!! Seems she does not like her big girl bed because Charlie felt it was his duty to sleep with her. So when he jumped in, Ansley again said "no liky big bed" and I asked if it was because Charlie jumped in with her and she said "jes" (yes). So problem solved, and we are now back to "liky big bed."

You all sleep tight in your big beds too!!

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