Monday, July 4, 2011

Austin's End of School Graduation

When I tell you that I have been too busy to sleep, I am not kidding!!  So I am playing catchup on life for a few posts............

So, I think I wrote about this before...........but in case I have not..........So Austin was in a Georgia Pre-K all year, and they had an end of year party for the two classes of twenty that were in his school.....look at all of these people!!!  It was only Pre-K for 40 kids, but from the looks you would have thought it was college for 100!!!
This is just a random shot of the crowd.......
Okay, in my defense, the plate is for A1 & A2 and myself....I am not that big of a pig :) but the point is to look at the look on Austin's face....he is like "I am not eating anything but cake Mom!!!!"

Ansley just hung out with Grandpa the whole time eating & drinking too :)

Here is Austin's graduation cupcake; there were lots of As in his class

So each student got an "award" from their teachers (Austin's are Ms. Ana (jeans) and Ms. Kristy (Red shirt) and he is racing away in the bottom left hand corner with his Science Award!!  Why am I so happy about his award?  Well, while other students got the "diva" award or the "soccer" award, Austin got the science award because he loved to do math & science in class and per Ms. Ana "often would ask me questions in class that I would have to go home and look up the answer to and get back to him the next day" ... this simple statement makes me proud :)
I am not sure why I included this, but the three of us are walking to the playground at the park; it was an "unofficial" graduation so it could not be on school grounds.

Anywho, we all had fun and are proud of Austin going to Kindergarten, finally!!!

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