Friday, July 31, 2009


So long story short, I had a little "procedure" done and therefore Eric's parents took our little rascals for TWO WEEKS!!! And as if watching BOTH kids for two weeks was not enough, they went off and potty trained Austin in one day!! I do not think I can ever repay them for all that they have done for us!!

Anywho, so no posts from me because I have been resting, but all is well now and the kids came home this afternoon, and we are back to "normal."

Ansley now only walks, no crawling for her!! So of course, that means she is in constant motion and Austin has really come into his own. Today he said, "Mommy, I can go poopy in the potty now, so that means I can go to school (preschool) and that should make you feel all better." I could not have said it better myself. But then he finished it off with "I am so proud of me, and you are a good mommy." Just brought tears to my eyes. I love my babies ;)

Promise pics this weekend - and you can hold me to it!!

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