Thursday, May 27, 2010

Birthday party fun!!

Ann LOVED her cupcake on Sunday, but she only ate the icing, she skipped the cake part ;)

She had to get a little help from Austin to blow out her candles

It was hot (for Georgia) on Saturday, so we set up their kiddie pool in the front yard

Austin kept jumping in like this into the pool....

and this was always the resulting splash. I don't know if you can see it as well, but there is water splashing up above the pool. Needless to say, Austin absolutely loved the water and ....

notice where Ansley is....that is because she wanted NOTHING to do with the water again. It did not matter if Austin was in the pool or not, she did not want anything to do with the water. Oh well.

We considered moving Ansley to her big girl bed last night, and she really was not liking the bed, so we tried to all sing her a song to coax her to sleep. It did not work and she went back in her crib. But Austin's good night song was noteworthy.......

Ode to Ansley by Austin
Goodnight Anzy
Goodnight baby sister
I missed you today
But I saw you on the playground
And Connor had poop on his back
Goodnight baby girl
Goodnight baby
Goodnight Anzy

Aren't you feeling sleepy already?!?

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