Friday, July 13, 2007


We have finally begun to feel a bit "normal" again - the KKG Chateau where we have been staying has apparently put a sleeper hold on Austin, so he sleeps through the night every night!! He is now officially a walking little dude - at daycare they said he hardly crawls at all anymore, he just teeters around walking like a big kid. It is funny to watch him walk as he kind of looks like a gorilla walking over to pounce on his next victim - he holds his hands in the air on each side of him and then walks with his legs spread wide and has a goofy little grin on his face - it is pretty darn cute!! We are eager to show our daddy how well we can walk. He has also started pointing at everything and saying "buh" and/or "bip" which alternately means - sky, car, construction, bird, Uncle Scott, picture, carpet, wall, ......

Alas, I still cannot post new pictures, so another old one will have to do - but soon we will be in Atlanta and can post pictures again!

This is one of my all time favorite pictures of our little dude - he thinks he is the cutest!
Have a great weekend - we will be running around getting things done during our last weekend in Big D

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