Thursday, July 19, 2007

Goodbye Big D, Hello Big A

Well, today is our last day in Big D - we are excited to see our Daddy/Husband soon - the movers arrived there today with most of our stuff - long story short - the came with a 30' trailer that we told them not to bring because we have too much stuff - they brought it anyway - and low and behold, our stuff did not fit!!! So they are coming back next week to get the rest of our furniture & boxes - gotta love movers.

Austin & I leave the KKG Chateau in the morning and hope to make it to Big A in one day - but we will only drive as far as we can and then we will rest if we need to, and if it takes 3 days, so be it.

Austin has started waving and saying "bye-bye" now - it is the cutest thing - but he has not yet figured out when to do it, so you ask him to wave bye-bye and he does it a bit later. Like last night at dinner with our friend Sandra, he was flirting with her and a little girl at another table, so I said can you wave at her, and he did not. He then turned around, faced the empty tables behind us and waved up a storm - so needless to say, we are working on the whole waving thing!!

Hope all is well with you all and new pictures are on the way! Bye-bye Big D!


ryan said...

Miss you and Austin. Really enjoyed getting to meet you and your family. Didn't realize he was waving -- please send pics whenever you can.


hannakate said...

Wow, you have been busy on here. We are coming to visit in late September :) You can never escape - wahhh hah