Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hey Hey I'm a Monkey

and my daddy says I like to climb around, I'm too busy climbing to ....

You get the drift.
As it turns out, the child will tell you when he is hungry, as he did tonight when he went over and LITERALLY climbed into his high chair without any assistance.
and then decided it was time to eat his dinner - we offically cannot turn our back on this kid for 1 second!! Whew, and we thought life was tough before!!
This other picture is him attempting to smile with his paci in his mouth - if we could just get him to give up the paci life would be great - but he still is teething and tends to bite when his teeth hurt and the paci keeps him from biting others. But he sure is cute!!
That's all for now, just remember we have ourselves a MONKEY!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

That is soooo funny. I used to call my kids pacifier a "paci".

He's getting so big. Watch out that he doesn't fall backwards from his chair. I know, I know, I sound like a worrying mother!!!!!