Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Peacefully Quiet

It is Tuesday morning, and I have nothing to do!! What! Yes, it is true, I have done all of my lectures, power points, grading and have written two exams for this week and therefore I have nothing to do. Now yes, of course I could mop the kitchen floor, pick up all of AC's toys, go through the pile of old newspapers, etc. but that would be no fun. Instead, I am going to write a bit about my little dude. Of course, this also means that he is at school right now and I am home.

He has become quite independent - instead of telling you no as many kids his age do, everything to him is YES, must be the child of a man in the car business..... He loves to touch things that are no touch, and we have gotten quite good at saying, Austin, that is no touch, over and over and over again. He is also starting to show some signs of intelligence, like if you tell him to get Maddie, then he will go over and follow her around, drives Maddie a bit crazy but she tends to play along - I KNOW, I KNOW we are being careful!!!

He has also started to really like his school, he does not cry when Eric drops him off on Tuesdays & Thursdays, and Eric thinks it is because they are a very "loving" school, i.e. Austin gets a hug and a kiss each day when he comes and when he goes. He really seems to like it there, and this has been a huge issue all along. He has always cried when I dropped him off at school, well, from like 6 months until present. But now he is doing great, it is such a relief.

Anywho, this is the middle week of my first quarter at my new university and I think that I am really going to like it here. Things are definitely different than Texas in some ways, but I really enjoy what I am doing. Plus when you only work 2 1/2 days a week, who wouldn't enjoy their work?

I will close with one little picture, and promise to put up some more new ones soon... This is a picture from almost exactly one year ago today - he still looks so much the same - he's our little cutie!!
Have a great week!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Two and a half days a week...... You've got it made.

Glad he likes the new school, that makes it so much easier to drop him off.

Miss ya bunches (I know, YUCK!!!!) but I really do.
