Sunday, September 23, 2007


We have been invaded by ANTS - little sugar ants, but they are ants none the less - ick, ick!! It seems the empty Kool-Aid container was the initial culprit and now it is every little morsel of food that Austin has ever thrown/dropped from his high chair - it is now a DEATH MISSION - and I will win!!

Otherwise, things are quiet here today, Eric & his dad went fishing this morning in a kayak - for those of you who have met my father-in-law you are getting the visual now, for those of you who haven't, he is 6'4" and weighs at least 350 lbs add my 6' 190 lbs husband and it makes for the most interesting of pictures - I just hope they wear life preservers!! But it will be a good day of father/son bonding nonetheless.

Tomorrow is a big day in our world, Eric's mom finally retires from the US Army after serving 35 years - she will be 60 in February & thinks it is now time to hang up her BDUs and focus on being Sgt. Major Grandmom!! Funny thing is that tomorrow at the ceremony only Austin will be shorter than her, she is only about 4'10" but she is in a high ranking position, no matter her height. (why do I keep talking about how tall people are? complex Lynn?) Anyways, we will be sure to take LOTS of pictures to post for all to see. It will be a very proud day.

We also think Austin is starting to show signs of intelligence, when you tell him we are going for a ride or going outside he goes to get his tennis shoes; when you say it is nap time he goes to the stairs to go up to his room, and finds Pooh, and then goes and 'tries' to climb into his bed; he has almost got the wave thing down, finally - he has been waving for months, it is just a delayed reaction, but we are now almost on cue; he also loves the telephone he will get my cell phone and just walk around with it up to his ear - funny thing is that I don't even talk on the phone that much and neither does Eric. Anywho, those are just a few of his new tricks - now if he would just start talking a little bit more - oh well, we are enjoying some silence while we have it!
This is another picture from a year ago - he is just a big ol' tub bucket - hehehehe

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