Thursday, June 26, 2008


Seriously?!? Does this even have to be a distinction that you can be told about your child?

Take a guess why we were told Austin was >97%......that's right, head circumference! So we went to the doctor for his 2 year checkup & for Ansley's 1 month checkup and found out the following:

36 inches tall - good as they say to double age 2 height to find out adult height = 6 ft (78%)
28 lbs - and most of that is in said cabeza (46%)
51.5 cm head circumference - seriously?!? (>97%) - they won't tell us the real # thank goodness
BMI - 18% - I don't know how I feel about this - are they using this to say that kids as young as 2 might have a BMI that indicates they need to go on a weight loss/management plan? I'm going to find out more about this....

21 inches - 30% - seems odd since she is not really even supposed to be on a growth chart yet
8 lbs - seems she eats well
38 cm head circumference .....67% - yeah that's why I told you her stats, seems she has a ginormous head too! No wonder these kids have to come out by c-section!!!

You know they say you become your mother/father respectively according to your gender, and folks, short of having brown hair, I have become my mother!! I got a hair cut on Tuesday and as she is cutting my hair, I think, hhhmmmm this looks like the way my mom wore her hair for as long as I can picture....just know that I have my mom's hair cut, long neck, and VERY pale "mayonnaise" colored legs......hahaha - can't think of anyone else I rather be!

Have a great Thursday!!!


Arlene Pike said...

I miss you missy!!!!

Love reading your blog. You know what they say, big heads means bright minds!!!! So, the way I look at it, both kids will be very intelligent....

Call me some time. I know your busy with the kids.

Love to see a pic of new haircut.


Kirsten said...

I want a picture of the hair!!!!

P.S. Give those big heads a kiss for me